CURRENT UNIVERSITY STATUS Senior Lecturer Instructional Technologist and Curriculum Design & Development. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Ph.D. Instructional Technology Panjab University Chandigarh: India (2001) M.ED. Educational Technology Panjab University Chandigarh: India (1994) B.ED. Ist Class Hons. Teaching of Geography and Economics Panjab University Chandigarh: India(1993) B.A. (Hons. School Upper 2nd Div.) Panjab Univ. Chandigarh: India. (1992) EAACE. St. Josephs Kitale(1974) EACE Div III. Migori Sec. School (1972). S1 Head Teacher P1 Trained Teacher (Mosoriot Teachers Training College) •DEPT OF EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY (MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY) AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Instructional Technology, Curriculum Design & Development, Teacher Education, Instructional Material Development, Application, & Utilization of Instructional Media in Teacher Education Institutions. Instructional Methods, Methods of Teaching Geography, Applied Psychology, Tests & Measurement and Research Methods in Education. • PUBLICATIONS: Several Books & Journals in Education • Supervision: Four Ph.D. Students Successfully Graduated and Over 100 M.Ed. Students. • On-going Researches: Six Ph.D. Students and Eight M.Ed. Students almost completing their Researches. CURRENT UNITS BEING TAUGHT ATMY WORKING PLACE (MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY) i. ECT 903: Advanced Design & Production of Educational Media (Ph.D Class) ii. ECT 943: Design & Development of Language Education- (Ph.D Class) iii. ECT 944: Advanced Instructional Strategies in Language Education- (Ph.D Class) iv. ECT 902: Information Processing Models in Teaching & Learning Process. (Ph.D. Class) v. ECT 803: Design and Production of Educational Media –(M.ED. Class) vi. ECT 300: Educational Technology- (B.ED. –Class) vii. ECT 308: Subject Methods Geography- (B.ED.Class.) viii. ECT 0202: Instructional Technology- (Diploma Class)]]>